Monday, 22 April 2019

Cosmic Fulcrum Colour Pages

(c)2019 T. Hooper-Scharf

The whole story of The Ultimate Game/Cosmic Fulcrum/Return of the Gods has been dealt with on Comic Bits Online so I won't go into it again.

These pages are quite old and tatty now (some no longer exist) but this was my colour work over Dean Willetts art work.

Valiant They Were -1999 (pre-editing)

(c)2019 T Hooper-Scharf

Destroy Bristol

(c)2019 T Hooper-Scharf

Ultimate Game Pages -c 1987


colour guide page

Pencils  T Hooper-Scharf   Inks Beb R Dilworth (c)2019

Best Friends Visit At Night


 Pennsylvania Walker
 The Creeper Outside
 Herne the Hunter
 The Mystery Hominid
 The Hull Werewolf
 Owls Do NOT Teleport (apparently)
Sigma 351

All material (c)2019 T Hooper-Scharf

The Trial -featuring Germany's First and only super hero group:D-Gruppe